Arts and Humanities Research Council
AHRC Research Review:
Practice-Led Research in Art Design and Architecture
Understanding & Mapping Practice-led Research
Town Meetings:
Birmingham 27 Jan
Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, University of Central England
London 16 February
Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London
Meetings will explore:
Forms of practice-led research:
What forms can practice-led research take and what descriptions are used to characterise it?
Examples of practice-led research:
What practice-led research are you involved in?
Where will we find helpful case examples?
Debates about practice-led research:
What questions about method, quality and purpose do we need to understand?
Impact of practice-led research and how might it develop:
In terms of quality and quantity but also in context and purpose.
These meetings are the first stage of our engagement with the research community. At this early stage, we aim to explain what we are doing and gather in useful ideas and material from you. Later meetings in Glasgow and Leeds will provide an opportunity to comment on our research “map” as it is developing. An online conference in the spring will be used to involve a wider and international community in discussing questions and issues that we identify in this first stage.
The purpose of the review is to describe the state of practice-led research in our disciplines. We aim to understand the questions and debates about practice-led research but it is not within the scope of the project to promote further debate or resolve any difficult questions about the validity of different research practices. However we hope that our work will provide us all with a better shared understanding of what is happening and where the problems and opportunities lie.
To reserve a place and receive more information saying the meeting you wish to attend and giving your contact details including name, institution and current role
Project contacts:
Researcher: Mark Elshaw
Administrator: Alison Honnor
Coordinator: Prof Chris Rust
Review management group:
Prof Chris Rust, Sheffield Hallam University
Prof Judith Mottram, Nottingham Trent University
Prof Jeremy Till, University of Sheffield
Other AHRA initiatives:
Historically, architectural humanities research has been substantially under-resourced relative to other humanities and social science disciplines. AHRA is campaigning for better support for researchers in this area from the major institutional bodies and funding organisations. In the summerbthree members of AHRA were nominated to the Peer Review College which forms an important element of the assessment process for AHRC research funding applications.
AHRA will also be nominating additional candidates to the AHRC Peer Review Panel Number 2, (Visual Arts and Media) on which architecture is currently under-represented.