Best Sexual Assault Lawyer in Hamilton

Sexual assault is a very broadly defined offence that can include anything from rape to unwanted, unsolicited or uninvited touching of a sexual nature such as the proverbial stolen kiss or grabbing a person’s breasts, genitals or buttocks.  The Criminal Code (Section 271) defines sexual assault as any non-consensual touching or other physical contact between two people that is sexual in context. […]

How long does an impaired charge Stay on record?

The Highway Traffic Act protects drivers and road users in Canada and has provisions to safeguard road safety. This includes limitations on the amount of alcohol in the driver’s bodies. A breathalyzer detects the level of alcohol content in the bloodstream when the driver blows into it. As per the law, a fully licensed driver may not have more than 0.08 BAC while driving […]

DUI Lawyer in Hamilton

Drinking and Driving (D&D) offences such as impaired driving, failing to provide a breath sample or a breath sample is over 80 mg are Criminal Code offences in Canada. A DUI (Driving under the influence) offence has dire consequences to both your licence and insurance premiums. If found guilty, harsh sanctions can be put into place that can affect your […]