Domestic Assault Lawyer in Burlington

Domestic violence and domestic assault includes any behavior used to assert control over somebody in your household. Victims of domestic abuse can include spouses, domestic partners, girlfriends or boyfriends, and family members. While most people think of physical violence when they think of domestic assault in Canada, the crime can also include aggressive behavior such as stalking. Everybody should know how […]

How Judges Set Bail

Judges ordinarily set a bail amount at a suspect’s first court appearance after an arrest, which may be either a bail hearing or an arraignment. Judges normally adhere to standard practices (for example, setting bail in the amount of $500 for nonviolent petty misdemeanors). However, judges can raise or lower the standard bail, or waive bail altogether and grant release […]


What is sexual assault? The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape Fondling or unwanted sexual touching Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body Penetration of the victim’s body, also known as rape […]

What are the different types of theft?

Larceny / Theft Simple theft (also known as larceny) is a type of crime that involves unlawfully taking or using property that belongs to another person or entity. There are many different flavors of theft charges in most jurisdictions, ranging from misdemeanor shoplifting to grand theft. Typically, they all have the same basic elements (i.e., unlawfully taking property that belongs to another […]

What are the different types of weapon offences?

Have you been accused of committing a weapons offence? What are the possible consequences of a conviction under Canada law? The possession of an offensive weapon is an extremely serious offence which normally carries a term of imprisonment. The maximum sentence which can be handed down in the magistrates’ court is 6 months imprisonment and/or a fine (for a single offence). At […]

What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long lasting. These changes in the brain can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who use drugs. Drug addiction is also a relapsing disease. Relapse is the return to drug use after an attempt […]

The Different Types Of Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a growing problem that affects millions of people in all kinds of relationships including traditional marriages, same-sex partnerships, and even relationships where there is no sexual intimacy involved. While physical violence is the most blatant form of domestic abuse, sometimes called intimate partner violence, it not the only form of domestic abuse. The Main Types of Abuse Domestic abuse can be […]

Penalties for juvenile offenders

Juveniles aged 12 to 17 who commit an offence are penalised under juvenile criminal law. The court may also apply juvenile criminal law to adults aged 18 to 22 years. No prosecution of children under 12 Children under the age of 12 cannot be prosecuted. If a child commits a minor offence, for instance theft or vandalism, the police will talk […]